Eternal Flame Memorial Hawaii

Burning endlessly in remembrance of the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, the Eternal Flame Memorial stands just across the street from the Hawaii State Capitol Building. A walk through this memorial lends a quiet, contemplative mood to any visitor. Its an escape from the bustle of Downtown Honolulu, and a tribute to the brave men and women who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States.


Built in 1944 exactly three years after the Pearl Harbor attacks which launched the United States into World War II.

Facts & Trivia

  • Island: Oahu
  • Duration: This is a drive-by location, no stops.
  • Insider Tip: Yes, this flame really is eternal! It hasnt gone out since 1944.
  • Fun Fact: Oahu is home to two eternal flame memorials; the other is located at the Honolulu Hale to commemorate the September 11 attacks.
  • Pop Culture: TV series LOST conducted filming here in 2007.

Eternal Flame Memorial Hawaii